Frequently Asked Questions 

A. We have an Associate Membership for those who are not active or retired law enforcement or corrections.  We accept applications for an Associate Membership during periods of open enrollment which are announced on the Membership page of our website.   

A:  Yes.  You will need to obtain a Letter of Demit from your lodge and send it with your application before we can process you as a member in Lodge #113.   FOP Bylaws prohibit membership in two lodges so you will need to be removed from the roster at your current lodge before we can accept an application for membership with Lodge #113.  Please reach out to your current lodge secretary and have a letter sent to FOP #113 secretary via email at [email protected].  

A:  Payments cannot be made through any link on this website.  Notifications on payments due are emailed on the first of the month they are due.  

A. Yes.  Our Lodge is available for rent and will hold 100-160, depending on the table/seating arrangement you select.  The venue rental fee is dependent upon services needed.  A Use of Facilities agreement must be signed to use the Lodge for your event.

A:  Yes.  Our HR 218 courses are available four times per year, during the first month of each quarter.  Announcements for the HR 218 can be found on the Announcements page as well as on the calendar and on our Facebook page.  We do not maintain a waiting list.  Valid retired credentials are required to qualify.  Cost is $50 paid to the instructor.

A. Catering is available for private events through our kitchen, featuring Chef Stephen “Beanie” Masters, a local favorite.  Food from outside vendors is not permitted with the exception of dessert. 

A. Alcoholic beverages may be served by an FOP #113 bartender with an approved Bartending Agreement.  Private alcohol service/consumption is prohibited.  Alcoholic beverages may not be sold or controlled via paid ticketing

A:  Guests, to include family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, etc… are not permitted.  Anyone accessing or using the range must have their own FOP #113 issued access card.

If you are a current member, your spouse and up to two children (17 yoa and younger) may be added to your membership with limitations. 

Effective 2/13/2023

A:  No.  Use of the facilities is extended to the card holder only.   

A:  Members and Associate Members are prohibited from conducting any type of training on FOP property and are jeopardizing membership and/or range privileges in doing so.   All training is coordinated through the Lodge.  Anyone wanting to use the facility to provide training should contact the Training Coordinator through the CONTACT US at the bottom of the page.  You will need a verified business, insurance listing FOP #113 as covered, and an instructor certification at a minimum.

A.  No.  Tannerite or anything similar is prohibited. 

A.  No,  we do not have the facilities to accommodate skeet shooting. 


Inquiries regarding new membership questions should review the Membership page before submitting a CONTACT US.

 Video Courtesy of BJ Hall