As the Fraternal Order of Police, our priority processing of applications for membership is for Active / Retired Law Enforcement and Corrections Officers.  We will process civilian applications for an Associate Membership on a limited and controlled basis.  The number of associate membership applications being processed is contingent upon the number of applications received from Law Enforcement and Corrections Officers.  We do not process Associate membership applications in January, April, July, or October.  No applications are processed in December.  

We are a Fraternal Order of Police with a gun range as an amenity of membership.  We ARE NOT A GUN RANGE with an FOP membership.  As such, if you are accepted for membership, you are expected to attend meetings and events as well as to support our benevolent efforts which includes fundraising endeavors.  If you are only applying to use the gun range do not apply.



We are accepting Associate applications for membership consideration for our meeting on September 16, 2024, at 5:30pm.  If you are accepted to be voted on by the membership, you must attend this meeting.  If you cannot attend this meeting, do not apply.  


(Updated 08/28/2024; 8:36pm)  


  • Membership for Active or Retired Law Enforcement or Corrections Officers is ALWAYS OPEN.  Those who meet the criteria who are wanting to apply for membership should complete a CONTACT US at the bottom of the page after reading the information below.
  • Those who are seeking an Associate Membership (civilians) may submit a CONTACT US below during open enrollment after reading the information below.  Due to the volume of requests we receive, we are not able to respond to those requests received outside of open enrollment for Associate Membership.
  • If a request for membership is submitted without the proper information or with a government email address, your request will not be processed.

Reinstatement of Lapsed Membership

If you have ever been a member of FOP #113 and your membership has lapsed, submit a CONTACT US below to request to be reinstated.  We process reinstatements on a limited basis.  Reinstatement includes the following:

  • Payment of $100 Reinstatement Fee
  • Complete or update profile to include submitting supporting documents (DL, CCW, Military, etc…).
  • Background Fee Payment ($50)
  • Successfully pass background check.
  • Attend a Range Safety Orientation and membership meeting.
  • E-sign range rules and waiver
  • Make membership fee payment of $275. Note that your membership date will revert back to your original date of membership and fees are due accordingly without proration.


Types of Membership

We offer three types of memberships which include:

  • Active Member:  Open to active or retired law enforcement or corrections officers.  If you are not currently active, and do not possess retired LEO/CORR credentials, you must provide verification of a minimum of ten years of active LEO/CORR service to be approved for this membership.  Active LEO/ CORR are exempt from the background check but, may be subject to complete a background check at any time during membership with Lodge #113, at the expense of the member.  Members have voting rights on lodge business.  Active Members are eligible for a Family Membership and new members may register their family as applicable after 90 days of membership.

*** If you are or have been a member of another FOP Lodge, you will need to verify you have been removed from their roster before you can join Lodge #113.  Your prior lodge secretary must provide written notification to FOP #113 Secretary at [email protected].

  • Range Membership: Available by prior approval only to active or retired law enforcement/corrections officers who must maintain membership with another FOP lodge for collective bargaining or retirement benefits as confirmed by the lodge.  Range Members ARE NOT eligible for a family membership.
  • Associate Membership:  Open to military members and civilians.  Applicants are subject to a background check at their expense.  Associate Members have access to the range and lodge; they do not have voting rights on lodge business.  Associate Members in good standing may seek a Family Membership after 90 days.
Application Process for New Applicants
The application process is completed entirely via email.  
  • Request an application to join and advise the membership type you are seeking using the CONTACT US at the bottom of this page.
  • Pay non-refundable $50 registration fee through the payment link when emailed.  This payment is valid for 60 days.  You must complete the application process as attend a membership meeting within 60 days to activate your membership.  
  • Submit online application when the registration link is emailed.
  • Submit documents via email when requested.
  • Submit non-refundable $50 payment for a background check, as applicable.
  • Applicants who complete the application process and successfully pass the background check are invited to the membership meeting to get voted on and sworn in.  Subsequent background checks may be conducted during your membership with cost being the responsibility of the member.
  • Attend a mandatory range safety orientation and membership meeting.
  • Electronically sign Range Rules and Waiver.
  • Make non-refundable $275 Annual Fee payment via emailed payment link.

By submitting your application, you are acknowledging your membership is not finalized until payment of your annual fee is received; access to the range is not permitted until payment is received. All payments are non-refundable and not prorated.  

GUESTS ARE NOT PERMITTED on the FOP Gun Range at any time, for any purpose.  Any member who brings a guest onto FOP #113 Gun Range is subject to loss of range access and/or a fine being assessed.  There are no exceptions.  There is zero tolerance for any violation due to the stringent insurance requirements. 

As the Fraternal Order of Police, we are a benevolent organization with a gun range as an amenity of the membership.  Use of or access to the FOP #113 Gun Range is a privilege of your membership and is not a guaranteed right.  The Board of Directors may modify, rescind, restrict, suspend, or cancel your access to the range at any time which will not affect FOP membership.  Refunds of membership fees will not be given for loss of range privileges.  The Board of Directors may also modify or update the range rules as deemed appropriate.

Upon submitting a Petition for Membership with Lodge #113, the applicant must agree to a thorough background check.  Additionally, background checks will be conducted during the course of membership as set by the Board of Directors.  The applicant/member is responsible for any fee related to the background check.

Have a question, comment, or need information about use of facilities, membership, programs, etc…?

Review the Membership Page information prior to submitting an inquiry on membership with FOP #113.



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 Video Courtesy of BJ Hall